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(1) E.Havelock: The Muse Learns to Write; Yale University Press 1986, pg.60
(2) M.Heim: Electric Language: a philosphical study of Word Processing ; Yale University Press 1987, pg.40
(3) M.Heidegger: Grundbegriffe; Freiburg 1941
(4) A.Bloom: The Closing of American Mind; Touchstone Edition 1988, pg.37
(5) M.Heidegger: Die Technik und die Kehre, Vorträge und Aufsätze; Günther Neske Verlag 1954
(6) T.Ellul: Le Bluff Technologique; Hachette Paris 1988
(7) M.Heidegger: Die Technik und die Kehre (ibidem)
(8) E.Havelock: The Muse Learns to Write, pg 51 - 52
(9) M. Parry: The Making of Homeric Verse, The Collected Papers of Milman Parry; Oxford University Press 1971
(10) M.Heidegger: Der Spruch des Anaximander, Holzwege; Klostermann-Frankfurt/Main 1984
(11) E.Havelock: The Greek Concept of Justice from its Shadow in Homer to is Substance in Plato; Havard University Press 1978
(12) E.Havelock: Preface to Plato; Harvard University Press 1963
(13) I.Stone: The Trial of Socrates - Doubleday NY 1989
(14) K.Popper: The Open Society an Its Enemies Vol.I : Plato; Rout Ledge 1974 London
(15) C.Reeve: Philosophers Kings, The Argument of Plato's Republik; Princeton University
(16) M.Mc Luhan: The Gutenberg Galaxy, The Making of Pypographic Man; University of Toronto Press 1962
(17) E.Eisenstein: The Printing Press as an Agent of Change; Cambridge University Press 1979
(18) W.Ong: Interfaces of the World; Cornell University Press 1979
(19) B. Peabody: The Winged Word: a Study in the Technique of Ancient Greek Oral Composition; State University of New York Press 1960
(20) A.Lord: The Singer of Tales; Harvard University Press
(21) M.B.Stillwell: The Beginning of the World of Books: 1450 to 1470; The Bibliographical Society of America, N.Y.1972
(22) E.Eisenstein: ibidem
(23) E.Eisenstein: ibidem
(24) E.Eisenstein: ibidem
(25) P.Hazard: La crise de la Conscience Europèenne (1680-1715); Fayard-Paris 1985, pg. 72-90
(26) E.Eisenstein: ibidem
(27) W.Ong: Orality and Literacy, The Technologizing of the Word; Methuen New York 1982
(28) E. Husserl: Die Krisis der europäischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phänomenologie, Martinus Nijhoff 1954 Haag
(29) E.Husserl: ibidem
(30) M.Kline: Mathematics in Western Culture; Oxford Univiversity Press 1953, New York
(31) M.Kline: Mathematics: The boss of certainty ; Oxford Univiversity Press 1980, New York
(32) B.Mates: Stoic Logic; University of California Press, 1953
(33) A.Hodges: Turing: the Enigma; Simon and Schuster, New York 1983
(34) H.Delong: A Profile of Mathematic Logic; Addison Wesley 1970
(35) N.Malcom: Ludwig Wittgenstein; Oxford University Press, 1982
(36) R.Penrose: The Emperor's New Mind; Oxford University Press, 1989, New York
(37) S.Zhuboff: In the Age of Smart Machine; Basic Books New York 1988
(38) M.Heim: Electric Language, A Philosophical Study of Word Processing; Yale University Press 1987
(39) F.Guery: La sociètè industrielle et ses ennemis. Oliver Orban, Paris 1985
(40) M.Zimmermann: Heidegger's Confrontation with Modernity Technology, Politics, Art; Indiana University Press, Indianapolis 1990
(41) J.Gleick: Chaos: Making a New Science, Viking-Penguin 1987
(42) G.Lakoft M.Johnson: Metaphors we like by; University of Chicago Press 1980
(43) A.Camua: l'homme révolté ; Gallimard 1951

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